Monday, November 30, 2015

Multi-Tenant Claim Based Identity in ASP.NET Core

Recently I have implemented a multi-tenant architecture in one my products. I have used ASP.NET Identity and claims based access control for this. I have implemented authentication, authorization and navigation from database.

In this series of blogs, I will blog on how I did it and the corresponding code for this. Here are the posts in this series:
The complete code for this Multi-Tenant implementation can be found on my GitHub site: MegaMine.Services.Security


  1. This sounds interesting, can you provide links to the other articles/posts?

  2. Are you going to write this? It is a very interesting subject!

  3. Sorry. Got busy and couldn't spend time. I will put something together. In the meanwhile, please checkout my code on implementing this multi tenant identity system at my github:
